Lychnis flos-cuculi ‘White Robin’


Ragged Robin.

Deciduous perennial, with branching stems that bear terminal clusters of star-shaped white flowers. Flowers in early summer. Likes full sun into partial shade and a well-drained soil. Height 70cm.

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Packet Contains: 30 seeds

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Sowing Instructions

Sowing Indoors: Begin by making a firm seed bed using a good quality seed compost in shallow pots or trays, water using a watering can until damp. Sprinkle the seeds evenly on the surface, lightly cover with vermiculite and firm down, water them in using a watering can and fine rose. Cover the trays with some plastic, we recommend painting dust sheets as it is a light plastic, ensuring that the plastic does not touch the seed bed. Keep the trays or pots at steady temperature of around 15 degrees, germination should take 12-16 days. Once germinated, remove the plastic and let them have some light as they will stretch for the light and become leggy if light is absent. Once they are around 1in/3-4cm in height, they can be transplanted into a bigger pot to grow some more before planting out into the garden once the frost has passed.

Sowing Outdoors: Sow outdoors in the autumn. In a dappled or partial shaded spot, level the area with a rake. Sprinkle the seeds out and then rake over with a light layer of soil. They should then germinate the following spring.

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