Due to bad weather forecast for Sunday 17th June we are cancelling our open day and will hopefully have it on later in the summer.Apologies
Product Categories
- Kilmurry's Store236236 products
- New Small Pots - Get them before they are potted11 product
- NEW!!1616 products
- Bee and Butterfly Loving156156 products
- Evergreen2626 products
- Ferns99 products
- Good for Containers3434 products
- Good for Cut Flower4949 products
- Ornamental Grasses1616 products
- Gravel/Dry Soil Loving3030 products
- Groundcover5454 products
- Perennials211211 products
- Seaside Loving8383 products
- Semi-Shade Loving9898 products
- Shade Loving1919 products
- Wet/Boggy Soil Loving1616 products
- Seed1111 products
- Special Offer Boxes11 product
- Gift Card11 product